Knitters, crocheters or any other needle crafters!
This knitting group will meet on the second Monday of the month.
No registration required.
Hosted by Jamie Skripnik
North Shelby Library
5521 Cahaba Valley Rd.
Birmingham, AL 35242
United States
Knitters, crocheters or any other needle crafters!
This knitting group will meet on the second Monday of the month.
No registration required.
Hosted by Jamie Skripnik
Ages 8-12. Registration required.
Celebrate Mario Day (Mar10) a day later with Mario Kart IRL!
Decorate your own cardboard kart and then wear it as you navigate through an obstacle course!
Join us for weekly D&D! The first meeting of the month begins a new adventure. New players welcome to join at the beginning of the month, or spectate the remaining sessions until a new campaign begins!
The Library is aware that reaction of individuals to food allergies may result in serious medical conditions and reminds all persons with food allergies that: